“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.”

-1 Peter 4:10


Worship Assistants

Worship Assistants are an integral part of weekly worship. If you feel a calling to experience the joy of serving on Sundays, please speak to a member of the Vestry or contact the Parish Office.

  • The work of the Altar Guild usually proceeds quietly behind the scenes, and their primary purpose is to care for service equipment and prepare the church for worship services, as well as display beautiful flower arrangements for each week’s worship.

  • It is an honor and blessing to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at weekly service and Holy Days. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are trained laypeople who assist the priest in distributing the Holy Eucharist. Speak to Fr. Kyle if you are interested or would like to learn more.

  • Readers are an important part of our worship, reading the Word of the Lord and offering the Prayers of the People. Anyone is invited to read on a Sunday, and you can sign up on the podium in the Parish Hall.

  • Cheerful volunteers greet the congregation with smiles each Sunday as they distribute bulletins, manage the collection and gifts, and orchestrate the orderly participation in receiving Holy Communion. Usher are scheduled on a rotating basis. If you are interested in becoming an Usher, conatct the Parish Office or speak to a member of the Vestry. Training will be provided.

Building and Grounds

Calvary is blessed to have such a beautiful and historical church that is so critical to our Worship, Fellowship, Education and Outreach Ministries. As such, the Building and Grounds Team is an important part of maintaining and improving our facilities.  The team not only prioritizes ongoing maintenance projects but also organizes clean up days and maintenance of the grounds around the church. If you have a talent for small or large maintenance projects or lawn maintenance, let a member of the Vestry know.


Calvary Church’s music program is an integral part of the worship experience. The hymns, songs, and anthems are intended to support the lessons being taught during the service and underline the Sunday message. If you are interested in joining our Choir, please see our Music Director, Stephen, this Sunday.


The Fellowship Team serves coffee and light refreshements on Sundays after service. Our weekly Coffee Hour provides an excellent opportunity to chat with friends, catch up on the week’s activities, and greet new parishioners. Members of the fellowship team are scheduled on a rotating basis. If you are interested in becoming part of the team, speak with the parishioner pouring the coffee on Sunday !

Morning Prayer Team

This meaningful ministry leads individuals through scripture and The Book of Common Prayer Monday through Friday. Morning Prayer is streamed on Facebook. Speak to Father Kyle about joining.

If you are interested in getting more involved with Calvary, please let call or email the Parish Office, or speak to a member of the Vestry this Sunday.