Visiting Calvary

New Here?

Nice to meet you! We believe that God’s love is unconditional, and seek to share that love with all. Calvary’s red doors are always open, regardless of where you are in your faith journey!

 Is this your first time visiting Calvary?

We are located on the corner of Broad St. and New York Ave. in Flemington. Our parking is located in the rear of our Annex building, located at 8 New York Ave.

You can enter the Church through the Parish Hall from the parking lot during the week when the Parish Office is open. On Sundays, or during special service, the entrances on New York Ave. and Broad St. will also be open.

Is this your first time at an Episcopal Sunday Service?

Sunday service is our principal weekly worship, known as The Holy Eucharist, where we gather to sing hymns, listen to readings, and receive Holy Communion. The first half of the service (The Word of God) usually consists of an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, and a Gospel reading followed by a sermon. The second half of the service is dedicated to receiving the Holy Communion. Our weekly bulletin is given out before each Sunday service, and will include all parts of the service for you to follow along. All baptized Christians (not just Episcopalians!) are welcome to come up to the Lord’s Table to receive Communion. Visitors who are not baptized Christians are welcome to come forward during the Communion to receive a blessing from the priest. Sunday’s service is usually about an hour long, and Calvary offers a simple coffee hour following each weekly service.

What should I wear to a Sunday Service?

Calvary is very much a “Come as you are” congregation!

Are you looking for a Church to call your home?

Our Ushers that will greet you as you come to Calvary on a Sunday will be more than happy to answer any questions about our faith and church, and can direct you to a member of our Vestry who will be able to tell you more about our ministries and people.

Are you ready to become a parishioner of Calvary?

Just fill out this form online or pick one up this Sunday.

If you have any other questions, please call 908-782-7227 or email us and we will be happy to help you!

44 Broad Street

Flemington, NJ 08822
