Lent 2025
at Calvary Episcopal Church
Join us Sundays at 9am as we celebrate this Holy Season.
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
April 13, 2025
Service with Blessing of the Palms
April 14- April 17, 2025
Morning Prayer streamed on our Facebook page.
Visit our Worship page to view times.
Good Friday
April 18, 2025
9:00AM Morning Prayer
Stations of the Cross
Easter Sunday
April 20, 2025
Easter Sunday Service
Please visit our Sister Church, St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Pittstown, for Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday services with Fr. Kyle
Maundy Thursday, April 17, 2025
7:00pm Service at St. Thomas Episcopal Church
98 Sky Manor Rd. Pittstown
Holy Saturday, April 19, 2025
7:00pm Easter Vigil Service at St. Thomas Episcopal Church
98 Sky Manor Rd. Pittstown
A Spring in the Desert
2025 Lenten Study
This Lent, join us as we study the book A Spring in the Desert by Frank and Victoria Logue. Jesus stepped out of the water of baptism into uninhabitable wilderness, emerging forty days later to offer the water of life for those thirsting for God’s presence. A little more than two centuries later, a group of Christians withdrew from a spiritually barren Roman Empire to find their faith blossom in the stony soil of the Egyptian desert. This Lenten journey is inspired by the many passages of scripture that use images of water in the desert as a sign of the healing and wholeness that come through God alone. Added to this is the distilled wisdom of the Desert Mothers and Fathers and the surprisingly rich inspiration of the plants and animals that thrive in an arid land. Along the way, we will learn the ways our faith speaks to the barren places in our lives and how those times of drought can be a source of strength.
Sessions will be held on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at St. Thomas beginning March 11, and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at Calvary beginning March 12. This study will run for 5 weeks. Please sign up at the podium in Parish Hall.
Holy Week Observance in the Home
Use the following as a guide to observe the events of Holy Week each day in your home, and plan to come and worship with your Church family as well. Read the following stories privately at the beginning of the day, or after a meal, or toward bedtime, or at a time when the family can gather.
Monday in Holy Week:
Anointing at Bethany
Place an open jar of perfume on a table.
John 12:1-11
Tuesday in Holy Week:
Cleansing of the Temple
Overturn a table, coffee table, or chair.
Mark 11:15-19
Wednesday in Holy Week:
Place thirty coins or dollars on a table.
Matthew 26:1-5,14-25
Maundy Thursday:
Foot Washing and Last Supper
Place a towel over a chair, bread and wine at a place setting at a table.
John 13:1-15, Luke 22:14-30
Good Friday:
Crucifixtion and Death
Place a crucifix, cross, or a woven crown of thorns at a visible location.
John 18:1-19:37 or John 19:1-37 or reread the Passion from the Palm Sunday bulletin
Saturday in Holy Week:
Burial in the Tomb
Place a stone on the table.
Matthew 27:57-66
Stations of the Cross
Recorded April 2020